Baker :: Eleven Months Old
E L E V E N M O N T H S He'll be ONE in a few weeks and like always, I'm left wondering how this is even possible. It went faster than ever, even the moments where we were barely hanging on by a thread. We've had a lot going on this past year and this last month was no different. Infantile spasms have consumed our days (and nights) as Baker continues to receive treatment to get rid of the seizures. He has 3 ACTH injections left and started Vigabatrin, an anti-seizure medication last week. Once he's up to the full dose of the new medication, he'll have another EEG to see if it's working. While it does seem like the spasms have drastically decreased since starting the vigabatrin, I'm hesitant to say for sure they're gone. We need the EEG to tell us that; infantile spasms cause hypsarrythmia which are abnormal, chaotic brain waves. Once the EEG comes back clean, we can breath a major sigh of relief. Until then, I'm a little on edge and possibly going...