Leighton :: Four Years Old

I'm so far behind in getting this post up! Better late than never though, right?! I owe all the kids updates for the blog so we'll start here with our LL Girl. Happy {belated!!!} 4th birthday to our Leighton Lynn! It's crazy to me that she's already four years old. Why is everyone getting so old and big?! Ugh, it's not fair! I want my tiny babies back! It's no secret around here that Leighton has a big and strong personality, a characteristic that continues to develop as she grows up. She's determined and as stubborn as they come. She'll pick out her outfit in the morning (a blue dress with blue pants or alternating heart patterns are some of my favorite ensembles...), insist on dressing herself and declare everything matches even if it doesn't. She barely lets me brush her hair and is in constant need of a trim thanks to a wonky cowlick in the back that grows faster than the rest of the hairs on her head. She may be loud and aggressive but she's...