Leighton :: Four Years Old

I'm so far behind in getting this post up! Better late than never though, right?! I owe all the kids updates for the blog so we'll start here with our LL Girl.

Happy {belated!!!} 4th birthday to our Leighton Lynn! It's crazy to me that she's already four years old. Why is everyone getting so old and big?! Ugh, it's not fair! I want my tiny babies back!

It's no secret around here that Leighton has a big and strong personality, a characteristic that continues to develop as she grows up. She's determined and as stubborn as they come. She'll pick out her outfit in the morning (a blue dress with blue pants or alternating heart patterns are some of my favorite ensembles...), insist on dressing herself and declare everything matches even if it doesn't. She barely lets me brush her hair and is in constant need of a trim thanks to a wonky cowlick in the back that grows faster than the rest of the hairs on her head.

She may be loud and aggressive but she's also sensitive and kind. She gets upset if she thinks people are laughing at her as opposed to with her or if you call her "silly" when she wasn't trying to be silly. She stops running through the room to give Baker a hug and a kiss and gently touch his cheek and tell him he's cute. If Gracyn's upset, Leighton will follow her upstairs to check on her and declare, "I'm only here to HELP you!" She loves to wrestle with Dad and play house with her baby dolls. And every once in a while, she'll come up to give me a random hug and tell me she loves me.

I love you too, sweet girl.

Leighton's favorite things include chocolate milk, dessert, annoying shows on Netflix (I'm looking at you, Bo on the Go and Mother Goose Club..), playing Barbies and running off to play with friends. She eats more yogurt and string cheese than anyone I know and at four years old,  she still does not sleep through the night. It's fine....

No matter how many times we tell her she's free to use the restroom at her own free will, she's up at least once a night to yell about needing to go potty or to ask important questions like if she can take swimming lessons (maybe) or go to a movie theater (sure, but GTFTS first....). We've tried bribes and threatened her privileges but nothing really seems to stick. Gracyn has been sleeping in the room with her which helps a teeny tiny bit but she's still up at night more often than not. My body has adjusted to being up all night between all of the children but I wouldn't mind just a little more sleep mmk, kids?!

Happy birthday, sweet girl. Our house is loud and full of laughter because of you. You may make my nights shorter but my days are so much brighter. For that, I love you.

I think I missed doing this last year, but here's her interview! I've tried to ask the girls the same questions each year and record their answers. So fun to see how they change over the years!


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